Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (‘the Act’) enables any person to obtain information from Scottish public authorities. This legal right of access includes all types of ‘recorded’ information held by Scottish public authorities. From 1 January 2005 any person who makes a request for information must be provided with it, subject to certain conditions.

The Act also places an obligation on all Scottish public authorities to adopt and maintain a 'Publication Scheme', and Culture and Sport Glasgow’s Publication Scheme, describing the classes of information which it publishes or intends to publish, how it does so, and any fees associated with these publications, was approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner in March 2007. The Scheme is available in portable document format. To view this document you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This Reader can be freely downloaded from the Adobe website.

Culture and Sport Glasgow and FOI
It has always been Culture and Sport Glasgow's policy to be open and accountable in respect of its approach to policy formulation and delivery of services. In this respect, operation of the Freedom of Information Regime reinforces this approach through the introduction of a formal process for providing information which is not routinely made available.

Finding Information
It is important to know that Culture and Sport Glasgow already places a large amount of information in public buildings such as Libraries. A useful way of obtaining information about the Company can be a visit to Glasgow Public Libraries (either to The Mitchell or to a local community library).

In addition, a considerable amount of information about Culture and Sport Glasgow’s services and activities (including the Publication Scheme) is published on the Glasgow Life website. When seeking information about Culture and Sport Glasgow, please make full use of this website to find out whether the information you are looking for is already available online. You can search the website through the on-screen navigation headings, or by using the ‘Search’ facility.

Internet facilities are provided at all Culture and Sport Glasgow Public Libraries and Real Learning Centres.

Making a Request
If you are unable to find the information by these means, Culture and Sport Glasgow is happy to assist you through its Freedom of Information Service. For information on how to use the service, and what it involves, please click here to find out about Making a Freedom of Information Request.

But please remember, if the information you require has already been made available to the public in other ways, Culture and Sport Glasgow will normally refer you back to that source.